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GDC, CQC and GDPR Compliance


General Dental Council (GDC) Guidelines

Visit the GDC Website

We follow the GDC Guidelines which state that if you are responsible for a dental practice website, you must ensure the following information is displayed:

  • the name and geographic address at which the dental service is provided
  • contact details of the dental service, including e-mail address and telephone number
  • the GDC’s address and other contact details, or a link to the GDC website
  • details of the practice’s complaints procedure and information about who patients may contact if they are not satisfied with the response (namely the relevant NHS (or equivalent) body for NHS treatment and the Dental Complaints Service for private treatment)
  • the date the website was last updated
  • You must update the information showing on your website regularly so that it accurately reflects the personnel at the practice and the service offered.
  • You must also ensure that you do not display information comparing the skills or qualifications of any dental professional providing any service with the skills and qualifications of other dental professionals.

Please click here to view the GDC Guidelines regarding advertising

Care Quality Commission (CQC) Guidelines

View the CQC Standards

We adhere to the CQC Standards, which state that:

  • care and treatment must be appropriate and reflect service users’ needs and preferences.
  • service users must be treated with dignity and respect.
  • care and treatment must only be provided with consent.
  • care and treatment must be provided in a safe way.
  • service users must be protected from abuse and improper treatment.
  • service users’ nutritional and hydration needs must be met.
  • all premises and equipment used must be clean, secure, suitable and used properly.
  • complaints must be appropriately investigated and appropriate action taken in response.
  • systems and processes must be established to ensure compliance with the fundamental standards.
  • sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled and experienced staff must be deployed.
  • persons employed must be of good character, have the necessary qualifications, skills and experience, and be able to perform the work for which they are employed.
  • registered persons must be open and transparent with service users about their care and treatment (the duty of candour).

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

View the guide to the GDPR

We may be asked to disclose information, documents or records held by the practice. Requests for personal information are made under data protection legislation, and under freedom of information legislation, for information about the NHS services provided by the practice

Requests for personal information, or for information about the practice that is not included in the practice information leaflet, should be passed to the Patient Relations Team

This policy describes who can request information and how, and the practice procedures for managing these requests.

Requests for Personal Information

Personal information is any information that allows an individual to be identified. This includes information where the individual is not named, but a cross-reference to other information held by the practice would allow identification.

Date protection legislation allows individuals to request access to their personal information. Those eligible to request access include:

  • A person aged 16 years or older
  • The parents or guardians of a child under the age of 16 years and in connection with the health and welfare needs of the child
  • A child under the age of 16 years who has the capacity to understand the information held by the practice. Children aged 11 years and under are deemed too young
  • A third party, such as a solicitor, who has the written consent of individual concerned – checks should be undertaken to ensure that the consent is genuine – for example, by checking the patient’s signature or contacting the patient directly to confirm that they have given consent for the information to be disclosed.
  • If a request concerns information about a deceased person, those eligible to request access include:
  • The administrator or executor of the deceased person’s estate
  • A person who has a legal claim arising from the person’s death – the next of kin, for example. The person should explain why the information requested is relevant to their claim.

If the information requested includes information about third parties, it can be disclosed if the third party gives consent or is a health professional involved in the care of the patient.

Submitting your Request

The request must be made in writing and describe the type of information required with dates, if possible, and include sufficient information to ensure correct identification (name, address, date of birth, for example). You must check that the person asking for information has the right to do so and, if necessary, ask for proof of identity.

We will provide the requested information within one month of receiving the request or confirming the individual’s identity.

Recieving a Response

We will usually provide the information requested in electronic form using secure means, unless the individual asks for the information in paper format or otherwise agreed. The individual may also come to the practice to view the original version under supervision and on practice premises.

We will provide the information in a way that can be understood by the individual making the requests and may need to provide an explanation to accompany dental clinical notes.

Where requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive (particularly if they are repetitive), we can:

  • Refuse to respond
  • Charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information

If we refuse to respond to a request, we will explain the reasons and informing the individual of their right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office and to a judicial remedy.

Requests for Practice Information

Freedom of information legislation allows anyone to ask for information about the provision of NHS services. The available information is described fully in the practice guide to information available under FOIA and the model publication scheme. If the requested information is part of a larger document, we will disclose only the relevant part.

A freedom of information request cannot include clinical records or financial records.

Submitting your Request

The request must be made in writing and should describe the type of information that they want and with dates, if possible. The individual making the request does not have to give a reason. The charges for information provided under a freedom of information request are included in the practice guide and the model publication scheme

We will provide Information within 20 working days of receiving the request or confirmation of identity or, if applicable, from the receipt of the fee. It may be possible to extend this timescale if we need more information about the request or are taking legal advice on whether an exemption applies. We must inform the person making the request if we need to extend the 20-working-day deadline.

Recieving a Response

Most of the information covered by a freedom of information request is available in the practice information leaflet or on the practice website. Requests for other information should be referred to Tina Bentley. If we do not hold the information requested, we will inform the individual within the 20-working-day time limit.

We will provide information in a way that is convenient for the person who requested it, which may be in writing, by allowing the applicant to read it on the premises, or, if the information is held electronically, in a useable electronic format

We are not required to respond to:

  • Vexatious requests for information, for example, requests that are designed to cause inconvenience, harassment or expense.
  • Repeated requests for the same or similar information (unless the information changes regularly, for example performance or activity information)

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